BC Prim-25 Slackline Kit

Rig lines up to 75 feet long!


Introducing the all new BC Prim-25 Slackline Kit! This is the perfect kit for the first-time slackliner. It's super easy to setup, very minimal equipment, and comes with quality components.

    Easily rig a line up to 75 feet (22 meters) by yourself in under 10 minutes with the BC Prim-25 Slackline Kit!

    This kit comes with the following gear:

    • 25m of Your Choice of webbing with a sewn loop on both ends
    • 1x 2m Adjustable Anchor Sling
    • 1x 3m Adjustable Anchor Sling
    • 1 set of TreeHugger Classics
    • 3x BC Aluminum Carabiners
    • 1x Aluminum Line-Locker Ring
    • 1x BC Shackle SS


    Multiplier Kit

    This kit will add 2 carabiners and a line-locker ring to give you the option of adding a multiplier to your tensioning system, giving you MUCH more pulling power.

    Tri-Load Prevention Kit

    This kit will add 1 carabiner and a Rigging ring to give you the option of eliminating tri-loading on your tensioning side. The rigging ring provides an excellent place to clip all of your rigging without risk of triloading your carabiners.

    These kit upgrades come standard with our Prim50 slackline kit. Make sure to watch the instructional video on that kit to see how to use these additional pieces.

    Assembled in the US.

    Which Webbing Is Right For Me?

    An overview of the webbing options to help you decide which is best for you

    As someone just starting out in slacklining, chosing the correct webbing can be quite challenging. Without having experienced many webbings before, it's hard to know what specs and features are important for your first or next line. We will outline the important features of the different webbings to help you make that decision.

    Spec Blue Feather PRO Green Jelly PRO
    Width 1-inch 1-inch 1-inch 1-inch
    Weight 55 g/m 51 g/m 54 g/m 55 g/m
    MBS 25 kN 26 kN 30 kN 26 kN
    Material Polyester Polyester/Nylon Nylon Polyester
    Stretch @ 6 kN 3.76% 3.95% 8.52% 5.92%
    Weave Flat Flat Flat Tubular

    As you can see, there are a number of specifications on webbing that are important for determining if it's right for you. Most notably the strength, stretch, weight, and width will be of importance and most apparant features of a webbing.

    For strength, all the webbings we offer in our kits are sufficiently strong enough for this purpose. If you want exceptional strength, Green is our best option for standard kit offerings.

    For Stretch, this is probably the most important feature of a webbing for a kit. This feature will tell you how much work will be required to tension your line tight enough to keep you off the ground. The lower the value, the easier it will be. Conversely, the higher the stretch, the more playful a webbing will be once tight. The best option we have that captures both sides of this equation would be our Jelly PRO.

    The weight of our 4 kit webbings that we offer is roughly the same, so no noticeable difference there. Same with the width, all offerings are at 1-inch width. We do offer other width webbings, but they are not standard with our kits at this time, but can be requested if desired. Keep in mind, primitive tensioning systems work best with 1-inch wide webbings, which is why we only offer this width as a standard in our primitive kit products.

    There are also other nuances to choosing a slackline webbing for your kit (such as aesthetics). However, for performance and feel, the above specs are the most important. If you have questions or need additional help choosing, feel free to reach out at any time.


    Weight – 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs)


    MBS – 21.0 kN (4,720 lbf)

    WLL – 4.2 kN (944 lbf)

    In The Box

    • 25 meters of your choice of webbing with a simple sewn loop on both ends
    • 1x 2.0 meter (6.6 foot) Adjustable Anchor Webbing Sling
    • 1x 3.0 meter (10.0 foot) Adjustable Anchor Webbing Sling
    • 1x Pair of TreeHugger Classic Tree Protectors
    • 3x BC Aluminum Carabiners
    • 1x Aluminum Line-locker Ring
    • 1x BC Shackle SS

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